It’s not uncommon that most of us could use an energy boost during the day. A lull can typically come in the late-afternoon, whether we didn’t get enough sleep the night before, or we’re just tired from our busy, chaotic lives. Energy levels can drop for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the norm has become reaching for an energy drink, another shot of caffeine, or even supplements to get us through the day and give us the final ‘push’ of energy we need. Most of these products contain chemicals you can’t pronounce, and some even have harmful side effects that may not reach you right away, but can cause problems down the road. The good news? There are plenty of natural, healthy ways to boost your energy that won’t leave you with any negative side effects, or a caffeine/sugar crash later on. Check out our list below, and try one of these simple solutions next time you’re in need of a natural energy burst.

1. Increase Magnesium

Magnesium is actually a natural energy booster found in many of our favorite foods. Instead of reaching for a sugary candy bar from the vending machine at 2:00pm, instead grab a handful of roasted almonds, rich in magnesium, plus, heart-healthy!

2. Laugh It Up

It might seem counter-productive to surf through funny YouTube videos in the middle of the day, but give yourself 5-10 minutes to get lost in a little comedy that will make you laugh. Laughter naturally increases blood flow and releases endorphins, which will make you feel more alert.

3. Start Your Day Off Right

Whether you feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, or find yourself struggling to really wake up, starting your day off the right way can help you to feel more energetic for a longer period of time throughout the day. The best way to do that? Fiber. Having a breakfast with a healthy blend of fiber and protein will leave you feeling full, and will keep your blood sugar steady. Try starting your morning with whole grain toast and eggs, or a bowl of oatmeal with fresh berries.

4. Don’t Let Yourself Burn Out

We can sometimes push ourselves too hard when it comes to getting things done in a day, whether we’re at work, at school, etc. It’s a common mentality to just push through until a project is done before giving yourself a rest, but if you allow yourself to take frequent short breaks, you’ll likely feel more energetic, and more willing to get started again on your work.

5. Here Comes The Sun

Here’s a bonus for you – while you’re out on that walk around the block, soak in the sunlight! Sun naturally energizes us, and can boost our mood, especially if you’ve been stuck in a cold office with dim lighting all day. Just 15-20 minutes of basking in the sun on a stroll can really perk up your energy naturally.

6. Swap Out Your Coffee

So, don’t be afraid to swap out those energy drinks and boosters, or even a few extra shots of espresso for more natural, healthy ways to give your energy a real boost, any time of day. You’ll feel better than ever, and won’t have to worry about any negative side effects that can sometimes come with more ‘artificial’ ways to increase your energy. With all of these tips, you can definitely get out there and take on the world everyday!

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